Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

History of Football

Football is one of the most popular sports by almost everyone around the world. No one does not know football, this game is very popular among both children and adults. But where actually football come from?

Until now there are many who say that football originated in England. But in 2004 the last year FIFA (Federation of International Football Associatio) has officially made a statement that they recognize the sport was first played in China.

This game was originally called the Cu Ju. In the royal dynasty and in China, the game is played by the soldiers. Besides the sports and entertainment, also mentioned that the game is played by the soldiers to train the physical and mental well before they fought.

This game has gone through several dynastic period in China until the Ming Dynasty. The founder of the Ming dynasty forbade the soldiers played a Cu Ju. If there is a violation of the soldiers would cut off his right foot. Finally, in those days suffered extinction Cu Ju. Until the post-opium war when the west and the evangelists began to go to China, the sport became popular again in China.

This sport originated in England called for a modern soccer we know today was first played in England in the mid 19th century in England. English also makes many new regulations on the sport. Therefore, the world agreed to say that soccer comes from

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